Adding a new feature which allows you to check the latest COVID-19 regulations in your area.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, a number of contact tracing apps were developed in many countries around the world. The Corona-Warn-App helps to trace infection chains of SARS-CoV-2 (which can cause COVID-19) in Germany. However, as the fight with the pandemic continues to this day, Corona-Warn-App could still be improved to assist it better.
People do not have a single reliable tool to keep up with COVID-19 regulations because the information is inconsistent across multiple sources, is not up to date and differ greatly by municipality (esp. in Germany).
The new regulations feature on Corona-Warn-App allows the user to access the latest COVID-19 regulations in their local area by topic, includes the last updated date, update history and push notifications.
My goal was to improve the app that it would provide the user with confidence that they can access the latest information and follow the right COVID-19 measures without having to compensate on their quality of life.
UX/UI Designer
Individual Project
iOS App feature
Figma, Maze, Google Suite, Miro
1 week, Jun 2021
The video walks you through the flow of accessing the latest regulations for hospitality sector and allowing notifications.

x 14 Surveys, x 3 Interviews
I started the project from the user research because I lacked understanding of user pains, needs and expectations in relation to COVID-19 measures. My target users were people living in Germany as I wanted to better understand what people experience where Corona-Warn app is used. To my surprise, I received the below results:
The ease of access of information about the COVID-19 regulations is
Rather difficult

Very difficult

Residents of Germany find it very confusing which regulations to follow because the information is inconsistent and spread through various sources. This causes people a range of pains—from having to browse through numerous inconsistent sources to avoiding leaving the house at all.

“I don’t even go to town because the rules change often and it’s so confusing what regulations do I have to follow! So, I just stay at home…”

User Persona based on the user research
Before starting to prototype, I looked through the app in order get a better idea of the style, elements and the colours used.

Home screen
Imagery style
Cards, buttons and elements
When prototyping I tried to seamlessly integrate the new feature into the existing design.
Because of its importance, I wanted the feature to be clearly visible in the first screen and also designed an icon "Regulations" for an easier accessibility. Below are some mid-fi screens I used to test with.

After a couple of minimal iterations on mid-fi based on the feedback from usability tests (as the majority — 91.7% of 12 testers completed my mission via the expected path) I proceeded with the visual design.
I tried to match the style of illustrations to the existing ones for a better integration of the new feature.

If I had more time...
My biggest challenge was...
My main take-away was...
I would have further defined the feature by adding a more elaborate update history on each topic so the user can clearly see the changes.
Working alone in the ideating stage when I had to trust my prioritization skills and decide about which feature to focus on.
Testing the prototype is extremely important to gain more insights into what may not be working well for the user. The more you test, the more intuitive and successful the product can become!